Thursday, July 26, 2007
Artus interreptus.....
Today, the degradation of the inner life is symbolized by the fact that the only place sacred from interruption is the private toilet.
Lewis Mumford quotes (American Writer, 1895-1990)

I have been trying to, or meaning to write a poem for a few days. It has formed a few times, a good line, central theme, it''s about vice I recall and then I move on to something else. I can multi-task, but not when I write poetry.I have to be there, and I am so rarely "here" I haven't done much more than acknowledge I have some verse on my mind.

I don't stop myself and jot it down I don't why, seems scurrying along to something more, bigger, better more pertinent at the time is more important. But really I am on treadmill, just barely touching base with anything I do when I am on to the next.

I am always writing though. Three blog entries a day generally. And notes I write on bus. Writing is my paddle I think I use to steer my thoughts, poetry is my stream. Underneath all I do,are the experiences,reactions and effects waiting to be released.

I claim to have no time,so I stuff them and walk on them; it feels like stepping on a carpet covering broken toys. I stumble and hop, until a jack just stops me in my tracks. There's a puncture wound, some blood ink and I finally release.

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