Wednesday, June 20, 2007
PR: project renew, project rejuvenation, personal recovery

I am so full of ideas, and I want to write: shit. I get so overcome when I have a new idea for a project I can't stop. Last project I started, a non-profit, is still running 2.5 years later. It's been a steady success. And I feel full-of-myself admitting this. But it's true, so I know I can do something when I set my mind to it. Well, when I recruit the right folks to help. My non-profit would be a total bust if it wasn't for the help of many others. And today it runs itself really. My new idea is inspired by a deep desire to use my creativity to help others and find a little financial security.

Basically I want to create an online community, blog- forums and products to promote women's recovery through perseverance, self-reliance and faith. Through celebrating and rewarding each-others creativity, in whatever medium. This idea came to me when I realized how a friend and I have been healing ourselves through a joint project ( yes, another). That and that magazine I picked up on crafts. I am not crafty, but I like to help in whatever capacity I can. An online knitting circle is what I imagine, with daily articles and ideas- stuff you'd' share we your neighbors, friends and family.

Not self-help texts, or slogans, just projects and women to listen. I think that key, the work. We need to get out of funk, out of patterns imposed by others on us. Show ourselves we can make a difference. And in doing so, we change for the better.

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